Posts in Category: Just Plain Interesting

Psst – wanna buy a pengiun?

Whatever is the world coming to?

Note: my opening question was rhetorical. The answer though, for the pedantitcally minded, is: “an end”.

Coolest Inventions of 2003

Time magazine in the US has just published their list of the Coolest Inventions of 2003. You can see the list at:

There’s some absolutely fantastic stuff in here. I thought that the invisibility cloak, amphibious roadster and fire logs made from coffee were particularly interesting.

Hitler was hypnotised

One of the more interesting news stories I’ve seen for a while. According to an article in Russia’s Pravda newspaper, a psychologist hypnotised Hitler during WW1 to help him believe in himself, only he never got over it.

Truly illuminating reading. Truly. Kind of.