Dickson Wetlands Planting Day
Very kindly, the ACT Government is providing us with some great new amenities and improving the view from our house (and probably increasing our property value) by building wetlands across the road from us. Today they invited members of the community along to help plant trees and plants, so we went along to help out and have a look – primarily as a bit of a fun activity for Anastasia. It was quite a nice little trip out just before lunchtime and we had a good time checking out the wetlands development, planting some trees and catching up with friends and neighbours.
Construction has been going on for a number of months and seems to have almost finished. Hopefully this means that soon our house and car will stop being coated in red dust on a daily basis and that the smell of fertiliser and manure will fade. More seriously, it looks like it will be a great and fun place for Anastasia (and eventually Isaac) to explore and the concrete paths look like a perfect surface for trikes and small bikes.
See more info about the Wetlands on their official page here or on their Facebook page here.