Posts Tagged: Isaac

Isaac – seven weeks old

Isaac is now seven weeks old. This is an update of what has happened in that time. It’s a long read, so perhaps grab a cup of coffee first to keep you going and awake if you want to read all the way to the end.

Week 1

Isaac with JJTegan recovered really well from her caesarean. In fact, she recovered so well and so quickly she somewhat shocked the midwives and the obstetrician and received some renown for being able to get out of bed and walk only about 12 hours after the operation and then move out of her surgical bed and into a normal room the next morning. Personally, this didn’t surprise me as she recovered quite quickly from her caesarean after Anastasia was born and this time around she wasn’t in labour for over 30 hours first.

The only complication, if it can be called that, in the first few days was that we had to start feeding Isaac formula in addition to breast milk on his second night. As was the case with Anastasia, Tegan couldn’t produce enough breast milk and Isaac needed additional formula to supplement what Tegan could give him. This came to a head on the second night when Tegan was looking at the colostrum she had been expressing and realised that she wasn’t expressing 3mL in the 40 minutes after a feed, but just 0.3mL. At least this time we were prepared and picked it up while we were still in hospital rather than several weeks later, as we did with Anastasia. Consequently, Isaac lost only about 200g by the end of our stay in hospital, in contrast with Anastasia who lost about 700g in her first week and who didn’t make back her birth weight until she was four weeks old.

Family portrait

Family portrait with new babies
New babies all around: we have Isaac and Anastasia has Isabel, who was her present from Isaac when she was born. This was taken when Isaac was five weeks old.

Isaac Samuel

Isaac Samuel Johnson

Born 8:17am, Monday 14 February 2011 at Calvary Hospital, Canberra

He weighed in at 3.9kg, was 53cm long and had a 33cm head circumference. This puts him at roughly the same size as was his older sister Anastasia when she was born, however she was 2 weeks overdue and Isaac was born one week before his nominal due date. In other words, he’s likely to be a very big boy.

Thanks be to God for this wonderful blessing in our life.

Having a planned caesarean was much better than Tegan’s previous experience of being induced, being in labour for a day and a half and finally having an emergency caesarean. Tegan recovered very quickly this time around – she was able to get out of her surgical bed for a shower the same day and was up and walking and able to move into a normal room the morning after the operation. All the doctors and midwives were quite astonished at how quickly she recovered – she earned a reputation as a bit of a superwoman.

Anastasia is very sweet with him as well. She is coping with the changes in her life pretty well and she says that she likes being a big sister. She likes giving Isaac little cuddles and kisses too.

I’m posting more photos of Isaac at Some may be marked as private for friends/family only, so if you want to see those and can’t, let me know.