How far we’ve come as a nation

I’m currently reading a book of great Australian speeches, called “Men and Women of Australia”. I read a great line in it the other day – actually, there have been many great lines in it, but one that really struck me was by Edmund Barton. It was in a speech delivered on 17 January 1901 – only two weeks after Federation, and thus two weeks into his term as Prime Minister. This is apparently the first policy speech by an Australian Prime Minister, and it made great reading. In speaking about the task before those who might be elected to the Commonwealth Government and his hope that the people would elect men equal to the task, he said:

“We can ask them – and they will respond – to train their views to the national aspect, as distinguished from the local aspect – to return men of principle who will uphold the dignity of the continent in Parliament. … I hope and believe that Parliament will not be degraded by any disorder, because men will recognise that better work can be effected when things are done decently and in order…”

So how did we get from there to here?

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